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    About This Book
    Here are some of the things you can do
    using this book:
    Plan your website project.
    Assemble and manage a web
    team or draw on online resources.
    Create layouts, graphics, naviga-
    tion menus, and web pages from
    Optimize graphic elements for
    your web pages.
    Work with HTML, HTML5, CSS,
    and CSS3 to create and maintain
    your pages.
    Add interactive animated
    menus, navigation elements, and
    other content with JavaScript and
    jQuery Mobile.
    Create forms and manage form
    input with PHP scripts or online
    data management tools.
    Location 630 of 2246
    28 %
    Generate and embed search
    tools for your site.
    Embed live and streaming data,
    including RSS feeds and blogs, in
    your site.
    Add multimedia content, such
    as audio and video.
    Integrate e-commerce into your
    website project.
    Maintain and promote a
    Explore JavaScript for anima-
    tion and interactivity and PHP re-
    sources for server-side coding.
    We have, perhaps foolishly, made a
    few assumptions about our readers.
    We expect that you have basic com-
    puter skills (Windows, Mac, or Linux)
    and a basic understanding of how to
    Location 639 of 2246
    use a browser and the Internet. The
    authors and publisher of this book
    assume you're a bright, intelligent
    person who wants to learn but doesn't
    have the time to read a book from
    cover to cover. We assume you'll find
    the information you need by perus-
    ing the index and then cutting to the
    chase to read that section.
    If you don't have any prior knowledge
    of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or
    graphics software, that's okay: We give
    you the basics here. We do assume
    that you have more than a passing in-
    terest in web design. In fact, this book
    is geared for web designers, or anyone
    with aspirations of becoming a web
    designer. If you don't have any prior
    experience with web design or man-
    aging website projects, that's okay,
    too. This book starts at the beginning
    before moving into more advanced
    Location 647 of 2246
    Used in This
    By conventions, we simply mean a
    set of rules we've employed in this
    book to present information to you
    consistently. When you see a term
    italicized, look for its definition, which
    we include so that you know what
    things mean in the context of website
    construction. Sometimes, we give you
    information to enter onscreen; in this
    case, we make bold what you need to
    type. We place website addresses and
    e-mail addresses in monofont so that
    they stand out from regular text. Code
    appears in its own font, set off from
    the rest of the text, like this:
    Never mind the furthermore,
    the plea is self-defense.
    Throughout the book, you'll find
    icons such as Technical Stuft, Tips,
    Location 653 of 2246
    Warnings, and Remember. These little
    tidbits are cold, hard facts we found
    out the hard way. We sprinkle this
    information liberally so you won't fall
    into the same chuckholes we did-or
    worse, ernd up with egg on your face.
    What You Don't
    Have to Read
    We structure this book modularly-
    that is, it's designed so that you can
    easily find just the information you
    need-so you don't have to read
    whatever doesn't pertain to your task
    at hand. We include sidebars here
    and there throughout the book that
    contain interesting information that
    isn't necessarily integral to the dis-
    cussion at hand; feel free to skip over
    these. You also don't have to read the
    paragraphs next to the Technical Stuff
    icons, which parse out über-techie
    tidbits (which might or might not be
    your cup of tea).
    Location 660 of 2246
    How This Book
    Is Organized
    Building Websites All-in-One For Dum-
    mies, 3rd Edition, is split into 10 mini-
    books. You don't have to read them
    sequentially, you don't have to look
    at every minibook, you don't have to
    review each chapter, and you don't
    even have to read all the sections in
    any particular chapter. (Of course, you
    can if you want to; it's a good read.)
    The Table of Contents and the index
    can help you quickly find whatever
    information you need. In this section,
    we briefly describe what each mini-
    book contains.
    Book I: Getting
    This minibook covers all the things
    you need to do before you start actu-
    ally creating a website. The topics of
    planning, managing your project, fly-
    ing solo on a project, and assembling
    and managing a web-design team
    are all covered here. We also include
    information about creating a site that
    portrays an organization in a flatter-
    ing light while providing visitors with
    content that keeps them coming back
    for more.
    Book II: Designig
    the Site
    Site design is about the nuts and bolts
    of how a site works and about making
    the visual aspects work within the
    technical needs, and this minibook
    helps you make these two worlds
    come together. From sketches on the
    back of an envelope, to working with
    navigation flowcharts, to generating
    the perfect color scheme for your
    style and message, we explore a whole
    range of options and dimensions to
    web design. In short, if you're looking
    for information about creating lay-
    Location 672 of 2246
    30 %



    terjemahan dari ebook building website all in one
    for dummies"
    Doug sahlin adalah penulis dan fotografer. Dia
    tinggal di venice florida. dia adalah seorang photographer profesional khusus bidang seni.
    termasuk juga foto pernikahan. Even lainnya
    adalah penulis buku tentang aplikasi komputer
      adobe acrobat dan adobe photoshop. Doug telah
      telah membuat buku tentang mengakhiri digital phographer. Pada pertengahan tahun. dia menulis
    Digital photography workbooks for dummies, digital portrait photography for dummies dan canon eos7d for dummies. untuk contoh pekarangan lebih doug
      penulis kedua. David karlins adalah seorang web design consultant, penulis,guru dan toko web atau
      Pekerjaan tantangan di digital graphic dan interactive
      Design kunjungi dia di



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